
Gmail, bloglines, encoding

This is weird.

I couldn't acces Gmail from the computers here in the net cafe near the house. Same thing goes for Bloglines.

Oh well. I wish I sent my google alerts to my Yahoo!mail account then.

And I have tried various encoding to browse sites that have Japanese characters and yet it doesn't seem to work properly.

Never mind. I will worry about those things another day. I have some links in my del.icio.us account that are useful for my research anyway.

Things I have to look for:

  • More background information about Bolsa Chica.
  • A driver for the keyboard-tablet combo.
  • A book to use for learning Japanese, aside from the ones I have.
  • The Spectacular Tree by Robert Magnuson.
  • E-books of "Pudd'nhead Wilson" and "The Name of the Rose" - if there are any that exist.
  • Mp3s of more Monday Michiru songs. (Ask Tubay.)
  • A black skirt and a brown vest for the Yomiko Readman costume.
  • The books for next semester. (The list is in my drawer!!!)


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